Monday, 26 July 2004

How May I Help You?

"They know we own their country. We own their airspace...We dictate the way they live and talk. And that's what's great about America right now. It's a good thing, especially when there's a lot of oil out there we need.” US Brig. General William Looney (sic), Washington Post, 24/6/1996.

Last Tuesday while working at my parent’s business I came upon the most interesting customer.  Since business was a bit slow at the time, I indulged in a conversation with a client, which ranged from talking about everything from Canada Day to Euro 2004.  The highlight of the conversation was upon her finding out that I was a student, and she asked me, what it was that I was studying? To this question I replied like always, “Middle Eastern Studies.”  She seemed both puzzled and surprised at my response.  Then she uttered a statement, which I will not forget for at least a little while to come, she asked, “Why would you want to study something like that…I mean there is always a war going on there and the people are always going around bombing and killing one another?”

The first thought that entered my mind was, bravo to CNN and the rest of Western media, they surely were doing a great job of portraying the Middle East as a place where its only export to the world was violence and terrorism.  Truth be told, I am tired of playing the role of ambassador to the Middle East and more specifically to Iran.  I no longer have the patience to explain that the Islam of Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban, or that of the Iranian government is not the same religion practiced by millions and millions of Muslims around the world.  Secondly, I no longer have the endurance to explain the difference between an Arab and an Iranian, or a Turk, and/or any other diverse ethnic group that makes up the one billion adherents of Islam.  Thirdly, I no longer have the energy to explain that just because someone is from the Middle East it does not make them automatically a practicing Muslim.  Lastly, I no longer have the will to explain that just because someone is Muslim, it does not mean that he or she wakes up each morning and opens up the Koran, to check on its instructions on how to go about their regular daily activities.

As time seemed to freeze at that moment, I was reminded of an email one of my friends had sent me not to long ago; and it asked the most vivid questions one could imagine…

 “Why a nun can be covered from head to toe and she's respected for devoting herself to God, but then a Muslim woman does that, she's considered oppressed?”

“When a western woman stays at home to look after the house and kids she is sacrificing herself and doing good for the household, but when a Muslim woman does so; why does she need to be liberated?”

“When a Christian kills someone, religion is not mentioned, (i.e. Ireland and the IRA) but when a Muslim is charged with a crime, why is it that Islam goes to trial?”
Finally, as I glanced up at the woman I noticed she had realized I was not too pleased by her question.  Even worse by now she had become conscious of the fact that I may have had a Middle Eastern background.  Much worse was the fact that I am sure she had concluded I was also Muslim; thus at any moment now I could blow up both of us into pieces.

Ultimately, I decided to put her nerves at ease and spoke, “The reason as to why I am interested in the Middle East is to answer the question, as to what direct consequences European and American imperial interests have had in the development of the region in conjunction with political, economic, and social spheres of life.”

Before she had the opportunity to reply, a number of other customers walked into the premises.  Hence, whether it was her fortune or mine our conservation came to a close.  In the end, I am still amazed at the propaganda that the Western media is able to portray about the Middle East.  And I wonder if there will ever be any medium that will be able to combat the sheer strength of this disease?

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